%T 後北C2・D式注口土器 %O 掲載No.:22 %O 出土遺跡:トコロチャシ跡遺跡(史跡常呂遺跡)2号竪穴外第2層 %O 時代:続縄文時代(後期) %O 年代:紀元3-4世紀 %O 所蔵:常呂実習施設 %O 報告書:『オホーツク海沿岸・知床半島の遺跡 下巻』Fig.44-1 %O 解説:後北C2・D式土器には、No.20・21のような深鉢形のほか、小型の鉢形や注口の付いた土器など、いくつかの器種がある。注口付きの鉢形土器は後北C2・D式を特徴づける主要な器種の一つであり、多くの出土例がある。 %O No.:22 %O Site:Tokoro-chashi site: from the outside of Pit House 2 %O Period:Late Epi-Jomon %O Date:3rd-4th century %O Possessor:Tokoro Research Laboratory %O Comment:In addition to the deep bowls as shown in No. 20 and No. 21, Kohoku C2-D type pottery had other forms, such as a small shallow bowl and spouted pottery. The spouted shallow bowl is one of the significant forms of Kohoku C2-D type pottery, and many similar examples have been found in Hokkaido.