%T 7a号竪穴 開口部側主柱西側の壁材 %O No.5 %O 報告書の図版番号/Plate No. of the report:PL. 2-2 %O 解説:主柱西側の壁材について、写真4の状態からさらに樹皮を取り除いた様子。樹皮の表面を外側に向けて壁面に当て、その内側には壁際の周溝内に径8cm〜10cm、長さ最大50cmの丸太材を立てて並べ、壁をつくっていた様子が確認できる。 %O comment:Wall material at the west of the main post after removal of the bark further than as shown in Photograph 4. It can be seen that the wall was made by covering pieces of bark on the wall with the outer side facing outward, and arranging logs of 8 to 10 cm in diameter and up to 50 cm long in the surrounding ditch placed nearby the wall.