%T 1:25,000 scale Land Condition Map (Southeastern Part of Tokyo) %A Geographical, Survey, Institute %I Geographical Survey Institute %D 1980 %O コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %O Reference number: JPN C-16-B %O Explanation of the object (A): Maps show the pattern of land classification units, ground height and public facilities. Mapping work of this series was started in 1960 and covers almost all lowland areas facing the Pacific Ocean. %O Map scale: 1:25,000 %O Country / Region: Japan %O Name of editor (b): Japan %O Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %O Name of printer (e): Geographical Survey Institute %O Name of printer (e): Geographical Survey Institute %O Name of printer (e): JPY 460 %O Number of maps: 1