%T Keep 'em flying %I Recruiting Publicity Bureau (RPB, 陸軍徴兵広報局) %D 1940 %O ポスター番号/No. of Poster:1 %O 主題/Subject:Army %O 内容記述・解説/Description:Keep 'em flying / The U.S. Army offers, without expense to you, the best aviation training in the world. This instruction prepares you for a professional career, either civilian or military. You will earn as you learn. The Flying Cadet receives $75 a month, plus uniforms, equipment, board and lodging. Upon graduation, he is commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the U. S. Army Air Reserve, and placed on active duty with the Regular Army Air Corps with pay ranging from $205.50 to $245.50 per month. / How to qualify? You must be between 20 and 27 years of age, unmarried, sound physically. You must have completed two years of colleges, or pass a written examination covering equivalent work. / U. S. Army Recruiting Service %O 内容記述・解説/Description:航空兵募集広告。戦闘機と若い飛行兵の一群がコラージュされている。アメリカ合州国空軍は、1947年9月に独立の存在となるまで、陸・海軍いずれかに属していた。このポスターでは陸軍航空兵となるための条件、待遇が詳しく述べられている。 %O 備考(ポスターにある記号等)/Note:P.28-RPB-12.11.40-25M