%T 自給自足を目指そう∽376 %O 記述レベル: アイテム %O 資料ID: 376 %O 枚数: 1 %O 来歴-所有者: 東京大学大学院情報学環図書室/附属社会情報研究資料センター %O 来歴-現物資料の来歴: 外務省情報部が収集・所蔵していた資料で、旧新聞研究所の何初彦教授によって収集・受け入れられた資料。 %O 概要-名称: 自給自足を目指そう %O 概要-作成: - %O 概要-物的状態-長さ: 607 %O 概要-物的状態-幅: 406 %O デジタルデータ関連-デジタル化の有無: デジタル化済 %O 形態・形式情報-表現形式・スタイル: 13絵画・版画・ポスター・図案・地図・書画 %O 内容記述: Help feed yourself.Make back yards and vacant lots productive.Work a garden - raise chickens.Grow vegetables and fruits.If your soil is fertile and sunnyDon’t let your land loaf. Keep it working all season. Don’t assume that the season is too far advanced to begin garden operations. Some vegetables may be planted at practically any time until past the middle of summer. Start new crops between the rows of others that are soon to be removed.Begin over again in late summer and plant vegetables that mature best in cool weather, such as radishes, lettuce, spinach, kale.See that your garden toward fall is full of potatoes, beets, turnips, cabbage, and other staple foods that can be stored for the winter.Grow lima and navy beans for harvest when ripe.Can or preserve surplus perishables.Dry fruits and sweet corn and such other vegetables as may be preserved in this way. Can only the products that can not be kept otherwise.Concentrate products so that each jar or can will hold as much food and as little water as possible. There is a shortage of containers. Don’t let one be wasted in your home. Empty spices and similar materials from jars and fill them with food.Reserve regular tight-sealing containers for perishable vegetables, meat, and fish.Use wide-necked bottles with paraffin seals for putting up fruit and preserves: use glasses or crocks for jellies and jams: use bottles and jugs corked and sealed with paraffin for fruit juices, catsups, and other liquid products.Keep a flock of hens if your soul is not suitable for gardening.A small number of chickens can be kept in almost any back yard.They can be housed at small expense in plan boxes or other large packing cases.They can be fed to a large extent on table scraps and vegetable waste.Their eggs should make a substantial addition to the family food supply.Surplus cockerels from hatchings and old hens will tale the place of a considerable quantity of purchased meat.Separate roosters from hens after the hatching season and produce infertile eggs. Such eggs are much more easily kept in good condition than fertile eggs. Preserve surplus fresh eggs in water glass or limewater.Somebody has to raise or pack everything you eat.Do your share!Children canned and saved these perishables for winter use.Make every jar help feed your family.Can this year if you have never canned before. The conservation food is a vital necessity under war conditions.No previous experience is necessary. Canning and preserving are simple processes and may be carried out by children or adults with home utensils.Put up more food than ever this year if you usually pack for winter use.Write to-day to the U.S. Department Agriculture or your State agricultural college or ask your country agent for explicit directions for growing vegetables, for raising chickens, and for canning foods at home with the ordinary home utensils.Demonstrate thrift in your home.Make saving, rather that speeding, your social standard.U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.Cooperating with State Agricultural Colleges(自給自足を目指そう裏庭をつくって空き地を有効活用しましょう庭で働き、ニワトリを育てようだれかがあなたの食べるすべての食料を育て、パッケージしていますあなたも自分の役割を果たしましょう) %O 寄与者: 印刷所:- %O 内容分類: 節約/増産(食糧・物資) %O 制作国: アメリカ %O クライアント: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. %O 版式: 凸版 %O 版式詳細: 凸版・写真製版 %O 版式備考: - %O 色数: 2色 %O 色名: 赤、墨