New Arrivals Collection

  • 狩野亨吉文書のサムネイル

    Kano Kokichi collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is an inheritated group of materials collection of Kano Kokichi (1865-1942), who served as the principal of the…

  • thumbnail of Naoe letter

    Naoe Letter

    General Library

    "Naoe-Jo"(Naoe Letter) is a group of letters said to have been written by Naoe Kanetsugu (1560-1619), an…

  • 紀州熊野浦諸鯨之圖

    Kishu Kumanoura Shogeinozu [Whales at Kishu Kumano Bay]

    General Library

    This material is said to have been created by naturalist Yoshio Tanaka (1838-1916) by pasting together three different…

  • curation

    Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

    As part of "the project of curating source materials for engineering history", Libraries for Engineering and…

  • Digital Archives as Alternative Sources for Deteriorated Materials

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Among the general books owned by the Library of Economics, some materials have heavily deteriorated and difficult to…

  • 第一高等学校関連資料「寄宿寮記録」のサムネイル

    The First Higher School Collection "Dormitory Records"

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    Records of the autonomous dormitory of the former the First Higher School, one of the predecessors of the College of…

  • 総合図書館所蔵経済学関係資料

    Materials related to economics - General Library

    General Library

    This page provides access to some materials related to economics collected by the General Library.

  • gaikotsu

    Gaikotsu Collection

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko is a depository library established to contain newspapers, magazines, and other historical…

  • 黒木文庫のコレクションサムネイル画像

    Digital Kuroki Kanzo Collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is a digitized "Kuroki Book Collection" consists of cultural materials related to Japanese theater and…

  • 小倉文庫のサムネイル

    Ogura Collection

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This collection consists of Korean books and other materials formerly owned by Ogura Shimpei, who was a professor in…

  • sci_nijl_thumbnail

    Early Japanese Books - Science Library (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    School of Science

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for…

  • nanki-img

    Nanki Collection

    General Library

    ‘Nanki Bunko’ originated from a private library established by Tokugawa Yorimichi (1872-1925), head of the Kishu…

  • 富士川文庫

    Fujikawa Collection

    Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education

    This archive contains 174 digitized textbooks and educational-related documents from the late Edo period through the…

  • The Bank of Tokyo Collection

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Books previously owned by the Research Department of the Bank of Tokyo, includes many books from the Research…

  • crops

    Crop Science Laboratory Archives

    Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

    This digital exhibition presents some of the photographs and documents archived at the Laboratory of Crop Science,…

UTokyo Digital Archive Portal

The University of Tokyo (mainly University of Tokyo Library System, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo Archives, and Information Technology Center) has been promoting "UTokyo Digital Archives Development Project" since 2017, in order to make university’s academic assets public and reusable.

This project has also involved the development of a system for cross-searching digital archives operated by various departments within the University of Tokyo. As a result, "UTokyo Academic Archives Portal" was opened to the public in June 2019 and renewed as the "UTokyo Digital Archive Portal" in May 2024.

The Committee of Digital Archives of Academic Assets