New Arrivals Collection

  • orandakapitan

    Oranda kapitan narabini saishira no zu

    General Library

    A group portrait painting of the family Jan Cock Blomhoff, who was posted to the Captain of the Netherlandish trading…

  • sokuchigenkozu

    Sokuchi genzu

    General Library

    The geodetic maps "Sokuchi-Genzu" are a group of maps that describe the results of surveys carried out by Ino…

  • sci_nijl_thumbnail

    Early Japanese Books - Science Library (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    School of Science

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for…

  • gaikotsu

    Gaikotsu Collection

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko is a depository library established to contain newspapers, magazines, and other historical…

  • 狩野亨吉文書のサムネイル

    Kano Kokichi collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is an inheritated group of materials collection of Kano Kokichi (1865-1942), who served as the principal of the…

  • thumbnail of matsunami

    Catalogue of the Kawaguchi-Takakusu Collection of Sanskrit manuscripts. Note-book

    General Library

    These are autograph notes by Matsunami Seiren (1903-1979), former professor at Kyushu University, on his research…

  • thumbnail of DCH collecion

    Digital Cultural Heritage

    Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies

    A part of collections in Multi-media and Socio-information Studies Archive and III/GSII Library (Interfaculty…

  • 一高旧蔵資料のサムネイル

    Digital collection of Dai-ichi Koto Gakko (Ichiko) [the First Higher School of Japan]

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    Digital collection of Dai-ichi Koto Gakko (Ichiko) [the First Higher School of Japan], the predecessor of the…

  • katei

    Watanabe Katei Collection

    General Library

    This collection was formerly owned by Watanabe Katei (1864-1926), a Meiji-era Japanese novelist and newspaper…

  • 資源科学研究所旧蔵本草書コレクション

    Honzosho collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is a collection of approximately 1,700 books related to Honso-gaku (herbal medicine or phytomedicine) that have…

  • 農場博物館コレクション(蔵書)のサムネイル

    Farm Museum Collection

    Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

    This page provides digitized collections of the Farm Museum, Institute for Sustainable Agro-ecosystem Services,…

  • 柏の葉紙地図デジタルアーカイブ(空間セ)

    Digital Map Collection [Center for Spacial Information Science]

    Center for Spacial Information Science

    This page contains maps from around the world that were collected for the International Cartographic and Geographical…

  • kitani_collection_top_img

    Kitani Collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    Historical materials on Jōruri, diaries, letters, calligraphy and paintings from the late Edo period to the Meiji…

  • thumbnail of agriculture

    Agri. Library, UTokyo Collection

    Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

    Rare books held in University Library for Agricultural and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo have been digitized…

  • Thumbnail of Genji Monogatari

    Genji monogatari

    General Library

    This manuscript of "Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji) is a rare book in the General Library and part of…

UTokyo Digital Archive Portal

The University of Tokyo (mainly University of Tokyo Library System, The University Museum, The University of Tokyo Archives, and Information Technology Center) has been promoting "UTokyo Digital Archives Development Project" since 2017, in order to make university’s academic assets public and reusable.

This project has also involved the development of a system for cross-searching digital archives operated by various departments within the University of Tokyo. As a result, "UTokyo Academic Archives Portal" was opened to the public in June 2019 and renewed as the "UTokyo Digital Archive Portal" in May 2024.

The Committee of Digital Archives of Academic Assets