%T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 2 H-152 Syodo Sima to Mihara - Back %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-2-B %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 4 H-154 Kaminoseki to Wakamatu - Front %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-4-A %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 4 H-154 Kaminoseki to Wakamatu - Back %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-4-B %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 5 H-155 Osaka to Hinomisaki - Front %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-5-A %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 5 H-155 Osaka to Hinomisaki - Back %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-5-B %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 1 H-151 Osaka to Syodo Sima - Front %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-1-A %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 1 H-151 Osaka to Syodo Sima - Back %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-1-B %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T Small Craft Charts - Seto Naikai Series, No. 2 H-152 Syodo Sima to Mihara - Front %A Japan, Hydrographic, Association %I Japan Hydrographic Association %C 1975 %C コレクション: 国際地図・地理展(1980年・東京) %C Reference number: JPN C-14-2-A %C Explanation of the object (A): Both sides of the charts are printed in multi-colours. Folded in accordion type. %C Country / Region: Japan %C Name of editor (b): Japan %C Name of supervisor (c) : Japan %C Name of printer (e): Fuji Seihan-Insatsu K.K. %C Name of printer (e): Japan Hydrographic Association %C Name of printer (e): JPY 700 %C Number of maps: 1 %T 山塩御役場自分日記 %A 木嶋廣秀 %C 1867 %C 所蔵/Location: 経図・資料室(保存庫2);Eco.Lib.Resources %C 請求記号/Call No.: 漁業文書:21 %C 資料ID/Contents ID: 5507684016 %C 資料区分/Document Categoly: 古文書;Historical Documents %C 公開方法/Media Type: オンライン;Online %C データ形式/Format: pdf %C 備考/Coments: 越後国小国近辺ヵ %T 当卯御年貢今市御蔵納諸入用帳 田野村 %A 納人安吉、納方会所 %C 1867 %C 宛先/recipient: 蔵所 %C 所蔵/Location: 経図・資料室(保存庫2);Eco.Lib.Resources %C 請求記号/Call No.: 漁業文書:22 %C 資料ID/Contents ID: 5507684024 %C 資料区分/Document Categoly: 古文書;Historical Documents %C 公開方法/Media Type: オンライン;Online %C データ形式/Format: pdf %C 備考/Coments: 野州河内郡