
西巻 (渡辺) 菊蔵

別表記タイトル / Other Title: 小口油田に就て

別表記タイトル / Other Title: The report of Koguchi oil field

種別 / Type: 卒業論文 / Thesis

言語 / Language: 英語 / English

専攻 / Department: 鉱山学科

注記 / Note: p.62,p.63の間にNo.なしページ(旧p.74)あり

注記 / Note: Annexed Tableのp.9,10は乱丁のためページ順が逆(150, 151 コマ目)

所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工3号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 3 Library



Studies on Rock Drilling. 截炭機ノ使用ニ就キテ

片岡 三郎
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology


福井 外海
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Report on Mines Metallurgical Works

渡邊 渡
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Report on the Mines belonging to Mining Department Ani

野呂 景義
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

Design on Mining At Nishimata Mine

山口 吉郎
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology


牧島 象二
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology