This world cannot exist half slave and half free. Buy war bonds
Alternative title
Issued (formated)
ポスター番号/No. of Poster:31
主題/Subject:War bonds
内容記述・解説/Description:This world cannot exist half slave and half free / Buy war bonds
内容記述・解説/Description:リンカン大統領の1858年の有名な演説を持ち出し、自由世界の勝利のために戦時国債を買うように呼びかけている。演説当時のあごひげのないリンカンの顔のパステル画にはB. Rigのサインがある。
備考(ポスターにある記号等)/Note:U.S. Government Printing Office: 1943-O-503946 WSS 723.
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences
Original OwnerCenter for Pacific and American Studies, Institute for Advanced Global Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Toyko
Data ProviderCenter for Pacific and American Studies, Institute for Advanced Global Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Toyko
Metadata Rights
IIIF manifest
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection
This collection features ninety U.S. propaganda posters produced during the Second World War. Center for Pacific and American Studies (CPAS) acquired these posters, originally housed at Stanford University, in 1983 through a Japanese contact.
Let's fly this flag. Everybody at least 10 percent in war bonds
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences
To have and to hold—Buy war bonds
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences
Freie Wissenschaft und freie Lehre : eine Entgegnung auf Rudolf Virchow's Münchener Rede über Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat / von Ernst Haeckel.
Image Database of Annotated Books in the Mori Ōgai Collection | General Library
Die Freiheit der Wissenschaft im modernen Staat : Rede gehalten in der dritten allgemeinen Sitzung der fünfzigsten Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte zu München am 22. September 1877 / von Rudolf Virchow.
Image Database of Annotated Books in the Mori Ōgai Collection | General Library
Keep America rolling!
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences
"I'm fighting for an America where every man can build his own future, pick his own job, run his own business—free from dictatorship."
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences