モヨロ貝塚 遠景

Issued (formated)

webコンテンツ番号: 4

webコンテンツカテゴリ: 1

画像の解説: 南方向から撮影。7号竪穴と貝塚トレンチの発掘調査の様子が写っている。

紙焼き記載の注記: モヨロ No.56 南方起重機上ヨリ遺蹟ヲ望ム

報告書等の図版番号: 『モヨロ貝塚』附図第二

アルバム通し番号: 2

D番号: D-01



モヨロ貝塚 遠景

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

モヨロ貝塚 遠景

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

7号竪穴・貝塚トレンチ 遠景

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

7号竪穴・貝塚トレンチ 遠景

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

7号竪穴・貝塚トレンチ 遠景

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

貝塚トレンチ A区域 西壁

Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters