本店株証残高表 : 常務会事務局資料
Issued (formated)
分類/Classification: 山一證券資料 スタッフ部門
分類2/Classification 2: 雑
所蔵/Location: 経図・資料室(保存庫3)
請求記号/Call No.: 山一資料:L-11:4
請求記号(マイクロフィルム)/Call No.: mf10:W1:05-054【開始コマ: 648】
請求記号(光ディスク)/Call No.(Optical Disk): DVD:11 (vol.013)
資料区分/Document Categoly: 企業資料
備考/Coments: 手書、一覧表
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics
Original OwnerThe Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderResources and Historical Collections Office, The Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rightshttp://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation)
A group of managerial materials (5,704 cases) of Yamaichi Securities which went bankrupt in November, 1997.
These materials consists of the first donation accepted in 1998, and the second donation accepted in 2004.
The first donation mainly consisted of materials collected and organized to compile Yamaichi’s corporate history while the second were mainly internal documents current at the time of the bankruptcy.

株証預り : 常務会事務局資料
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

信用取引主要勘定残高表 : 常務会事務局資料
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

手持証券月間推移表 : 常務会事務局資料
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

手持証券週間報告 : 常務会事務局資料
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

手持証券週間報告 : 常務会事務局資料
Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation) | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics