

記述レベル: アイテム

資料ID: 407

枚数: 1

来歴-所有者: 東京大学大学院情報学環図書室/附属社会情報研究資料センター

来歴-現物資料の来歴: 外務省情報部が収集・所蔵していた資料で、旧新聞研究所の何初彦教授によって収集・受け入れられた資料。

概要-名称: アルザス-ロレーヌ

概要-作成: Alco-Gravure, Inc.. N.Y.

概要-物的状態-長さ: 1235

概要-物的状態-幅: 865

デジタルデータ関連-デジタル化の有無: デジタル化済

形態・形式情報-表現形式・スタイル: 13絵画・版画・ポスター・図案・地図・書画

内容記述: Alsace-LorrainePresident Wilson’s Address to Congress, Jan. 8, 1918The wrong done to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of the world for nearly fifty years should be righted, in order that peace may once more be made secure in the interest of all.Citizens possessed of souls and of intelligence are not merchandise to be traded and therefore it is not lawful to make them the subject of a contract.Protest of the Representatives of Alsace-Lorraine, delivered in the Reichstag in Berlin, February 18, 1874.Peoples and provinces are not to be battered about from sovereignty to sovereignty as if they were mere chattels and pawns in a game.President Wilson Address to Congress, February 11, 1918.“She is wanting...”[ ? ]Statement of the Representatives of Alsace-Lorraine read before the National Assembly in Bordeaux, March 1, 1871.Handed over, in contempt of all justice, and by an odious abuse of force, to the domination of foreigners, we have now a final duty to perform.We declare once more null and void a compact which disposes of us without our consent.Henceforth and forever, we shall one and all be justified in claiming our rights, in whatever manner and measure our conscience may dictate.At the moment of leaving this assembly, in which our dignity no longer permits us to sit and in spite of the bitterness of our grief, the supreme thought which we find at the bottom of our hearts is a thought of gratitude to those who, for six months, have incessantly fought in our defense, and our unalterable attachment to the country from which we are torn by violence.We shall follow you with our wishes, and we shall wait, with full confidence in the future, until regenerated France resumes the course of her great destiny.Your brothers of Alsace and of Lorraine, now separated from the common family, will cherish for France, absent from their hearths, a filial affection, preserved until the day when she shall recover her rightful place there once more.(アルザス-ロレーヌ1918年1月8日 議会におけるウィルソン大統領の声明書)

寄与者: 印刷所:-

内容分類: 告知/声明

制作国: アメリカ

クライアント: -

版式: 凹版

版式詳細: グラビア

版式備考: -

色数: 1色

色名: 濃茶




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