貝塚トレンチ B区域 南壁及び西壁・7号竪穴復元住居
Issued (formated)
webコンテンツ番号: 56
webコンテンツカテゴリ: 4
画像の解説: 東方向から撮影。トレンチ南壁及び西壁の土層断面。貝塚トレンチのB区域とみられる。番号札の付いた木杭は墓の位置を示すとみられる(『モヨロ遺跡と考古学』p.50)。
アルバム通し番号: 173
箱番号: 8-2
D番号: D-123
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
Original OwnerTokoro Research Laboratory, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderGraduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rightshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
貝塚トレンチ B区域 南壁
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
貝塚トレンチ A区域 西壁
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
モヨロ貝塚 遠景
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
貝塚トレンチ C区域? 北壁
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
7号竪穴・貝塚トレンチ 遠景
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
7号竪穴・貝塚トレンチ 遠景
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters