嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第12帙 第2冊
カコウゾウ(バンレキバン ダイゾウキョウ )
Kakozo (banrekiban daizokyo)
目次: 大般若波羅蜜多經 巻366 / 玄奘譯
目次: 大般若波羅蜜多經 巻367 / 玄奘譯
目次: 大般若波羅蜜多經 巻368 / 玄奘譯
目次: 大般若波羅蜜多經 巻369 / 玄奘譯
目次: 大般若波羅蜜多經 巻370 / 玄奘譯
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
Original OwnerGeneral Library, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderCouncil for Promotion of Study of Daizokyo The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee
Metadata Rightshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
IIIF manifesthttps://dzkimgs.l.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kakouzou/012_2/manifest3.json
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition
Here, over 190,000 pages of images of the Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) among the holdings of the General Library are available under an open licence (CC BY) in accordance with IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework). This database has been constructed by the Council for Promotion of Study of Daizokyo and The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee.
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第1帙 第2冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第12帙 第6冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第11帙 第2冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第12帙 第4冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第13帙 第2冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
嘉興蔵(万曆版大藏經)第1帙 第12冊
Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters