Gen. Library. No. II.
別表記タイトル / Other Title: Gen. Library. No. II.
種別 / Type: 蔵書票 / Ex libris
言語 / Language: 英語 / English
注記 / Note: 「工部大学校の書房と蔵書」"7 蔵書印と蔵書票"では「No I.」~「No III.」「No V.」について挿図なしで記述あり。“第三期の『学課並諸規則』では、General Libraryは参考用図書、Class Libraryは教科用図書か科業用図書といわれている。”(4 書房について)との記述あり。
注記 / Note: 「明治時代前半の東京大学工学部蔵書の蔵書印と蔵書票」には「No I.」(2a76ad5b-e52a-43a8-8659-47c74e119870)「No II.」(e41b3639-8272-4b36-86cc-46fd166b7da2)の挿図あり。
注記 / Note: e41b3639-8272-4b36-86cc-46fd166b7da2とは版が異なる。(枠のモチーフ、字体)
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:エドワルド・エス・モールス. 大森介墟編. 東京大學法理文學部, 1879, 73p., (理科會粹, 第1帙 上冊). 資料ID:1011468806
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Scrope, George Poulett. Volcanos: the character of their phenomena, their share in the structure and composition of the surface of the globe, and their relation to its internal forces: with a descriptive catalogue of all known volcanos and volcanic formations. 2nd ed., Longmans, Green, Longmans, and Roberts, 1862, 490p. 資料ID:1050243581
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工3号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 3 Library
Sort: ownershipstamp-1-02-2004
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Original OwnerLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rights
IIIF manifest
Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
This database publishes images of the ownership stamps and ex libris affixed to materials operated by Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo.