天龍小蒸汽舩 Water Tube Type. Modified Yallow [i.e. Yarrow] Boiler.

黒川 勇熊

別表記タイトル / Other Title: 軍艦天龍小蒸滊船滊罐組立之圗

別表記タイトル / Other Title: 軍艦天龍小蒸気船汽缶組立之図

種別 / Type: 図面 / Plan

言語 / Language: 日本語 / Japanese

言語 / Language: 英語 / English

専攻 / Department: 機械工学科

注記 / Note: 公益財団法人図書館振興財団2022年度振興助成事業により電子化

注記 / Note: 枠外 / Marginal notes : 呉鎮第四五五九號[号に乕]ニ附属

注記 / Note: 図面タイトル横の人名 : 呉海軍造船廠長黒川(元原稿の"呉海軍造船廠"は印もしくは活字 "長"は手書き "黒川"は印)

注記 / Note: 縮尺 / Scale : 1/5

注記 / Note: 長さの単位 / Units of length : M

注記 / Note: 青焼 / Blueprint

注記 / Note: 蔵書印 / Ownership stamp : 東亰帝國大學工科大學機械工學敎室

注記 / Note: 艦名 / Ship Name : 天龍 / Tenryu

請求記号 / Call Number: DM:f:45

所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工2号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 2 Library

タグ / Tag: ヤーロー式ボイラー [ヤーロウ式ボイラー] / Yarrow Boiler


  • Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive

    As part of "the project of curating source materials for engineering history", Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology conducts research and collection of materials and objects that are academic assets of the Graduate School of Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.


天龍小蒸汽舩 Sectional Views of Engines.

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

天龍小蒸汽舩 Stop and Safety Valve.

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

天龍小蒸汽舩 Details of Cylinders.

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

天龍小蒸汽舩 Detail of Cylinders

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

天龍小蒸汽舩 Condenser.

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

天龍小蒸汽舩 Valve Diagrams.

黒川 勇熊
Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology