Your country needs you now!

Alternative title
U.S. Army Recruiting Service (陸軍徴兵局)
Issued (formated)

ポスター番号/No. of Poster:2


内容記述・解説/Description:Your country needs you now! / Enlist today / Your Regular Army is calling for volunteers! / Men between 18 and 35 are needed for all of the Arms and Services. / The Air Force wants thousands of young men immediately. Training schools are ready now for large numbers of Air Mechanics, Aerial Photographers and other specialists. / Aviation Cadets / Many thousands of aviation cadets, 20 to 26 years of age, inclusive, are needed to become flying officers as bombardiers, navigators and pilots. You can help in building the world’s most powerful Air Force, and in the necessary expansion of the Regular Army. / Action is needed now! / Your country has decided. The treacherous attack on America has aroused the United States as nothing else could. / Your Army is ready. Call at the nearest Army Recruiting Station for advice. You will be given full information on how you can serve your country best—how you can defend that freedom which is your birthright. / “Let’s go! U.S.A. Keep ’em Flying! / U. S. Army Recruiting Service

内容記述・解説/Description:陸軍の正規軍と共に、航空部隊(Air Force)航空士官候補生の募集が行われている。アメリカ空軍は、1947年9月に独立の存在となるまで、陸・海軍いずれかに属していた。中央に配されたマークの「はばたけ若者たちよ!(Keep Flying)」(Harold Gilbart作)は航空部隊のスローガンとなった。このポスターでは生得の権利である自由を守るための戦いをうたっている。



Let's fly this flag. Everybody at least 10 percent in war bonds

CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

U.S.A. For a country where we are still masters of our own destinies

Think American Institute
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

This world cannot exist half slave and half free. Buy war bonds

CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

WAAC. This is my war too!

Smith, Dan V.
Recruiting Publicity Bureau (RPB, 陸軍徴兵広報局)
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

Do your part. Join the WAAC

Recruiting Publicity Bureau (RPB, 陸軍徴兵広報局)
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

"I'm fighting for an America where every man can build his own future, pick his own job, run his own business—free from dictatorship."

Think American Institute
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences