Briefe über Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos : ein Commentar zu diesem Werke für gebildete Laien
Cotta Bernhard
Issued (formated)
v. ; 23 cm.
出版事項:T.O. Weigel
内容:T. 1 and 3 bearbeitet von Bernhard von Cotta; T. 2 von Julius Schaller; T. 4, Abt. 1 von W. C. Wittwer; T. 4, Abt. 2 von Heinrich Girard / Bibliography: v. 1, p. [341]-[342]
所蔵巻号:T. 3, Abth. 1-2
資料区分:古典籍;Precious Books
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics
Original OwnerThe Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderResources and Historical Collections Office, The Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rights
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office]
The designation of a “Rare Book” is assigned to: collections previously owned by famous economists and their manuscripts, precious books without any other existing copies, and classical documents (generally defined as foreign language books published before 1800, and Japanese language books published before 1900) concerning social sciences. Our current Rare Book collection has approximately 3,400 items (as of April, 2024).

Briefe über Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos : ein Commentar zu diesem Werke für gebildete Laien
Cotta Bernhard
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Briefe über Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos : ein Commentar zu diesem Werke für gebildete Laien
Cotta Bernhard
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Briefe über Alexander von Humboldt's Kosmos : ein Commentar zu diesem Werke für gebildete Laien
Cotta Bernhard
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

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