10号竪穴 発掘調査の様子
Alternative title
Pit House 10, excavation in 2003
Created (formated)
原版 / Size:6×9
報告書の図版番号/Plate No. of the report:掲載なし/No publication
comment:Pit House 10 was researched from 2003 to 2005. In 2003, the northern half of the pit house was excavated. The people in the photograph are making a plane-table survey and drawing a plan view of the carbonized wood. The right side of the photograph is the northwest direction (opening side).
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
Original OwnerTokoro Research Laboratory, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo
Data Provider東京大学文学部「人文学における国際的地域・社会連携の推進」プログラム(東京大学未来社会協創推進本部登録プロジェクト)
Metadata Rightshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Tokoro-chashi Sites:Excavation Photographs Digital Archives
Here photographs of the collection of the Tokoro Research Laboratory, documenting the excavation of the Tokoro-chashi Sites (Historic Tokoro Archaeological site), a historical site in Kitami City, are available.
10号竪穴 発掘調査の様子
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
7号竪穴 発掘調査の様子
Tokoro-chashi Sites:Excavation Photographs Digital Archives | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
9号竪穴 発掘調査の様子
Tokoro-chashi Sites:Excavation Photographs Digital Archives | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
8号竪穴 発掘調査の様子
Tokoro-chashi Sites:Excavation Photographs Digital Archives | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
17号竪穴? 発掘前全景
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters
18号竪穴の窪み? 19号竪穴? 発掘前全景
Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site | Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters