工科造船學圖書 [青]


別表記タイトル / Other Title: 工科造船学図書

種別 / Type: 蔵書票 / Ex libris

言語 / Language: 日本語 / Japanese

注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Hillhouse, Percy A. Stability calculations by Barne's method simplified. Percy A. Hillhouse, 1901, [11]p. 資料ID:1011847140

注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治39(1906)年11月20日

注記 / Note: 典拠資料:帆舩運用書図: 全. 小林謙[写], [1863], [31]丁. 資料ID:1011894878

所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工3号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 3 Library

Sort: ownershipstamp-1-14-0003




工科造船學圖書 [淡青]

Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

工科造舩工學敎室 號 第 種

Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

工科造船學敎室 [號] 第 種

Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology


Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

冶金學科圖書室東京帝大工科 NO.

Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology


Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo | Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology