帝國大學圖書館 №
別表記タイトル / Other Title: 帝国大学図書館 No.
種別 / Type: 蔵書票 / Ex libris
言語 / Language: 日本語 / Japanese
注記 / Note: 063a6bd3-af60-428c-8259-20f6e7d8a3b4とは版が異なる
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Mitchell, John. A manual of practical assaying. 4th ed., Longmans, Green, 1873, 819p. 資料ID:1011876032
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Gaetzschmann, Moritz Ferd. Die Aufsuchung und Untersuchung von Lagerstätten nutzbarer Mineralien. 2., vollständig durchgesehene und verb. ed., Arthur Felix, 1866, 522p., (Vollständige Anleitung zur Bergbaukunst, 1). 資料ID:1050256880
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Lyell, Charles. The student's elements of geology. 2nd ed., John Murray, 1874, xix, 672p. 資料ID:1050242633
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Baker, Ira O. A treatise on masonry construction. 3rd ed., Wiley, 1890, c1889, xv, 552p. 資料ID:1011817143
注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治23(1890)年4月15日
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Baker, Ira O. A treatise on masonry construction. 3th ed., Wiley, 1890, xv, 552p. 資料ID:1011817150
注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治23(1890)年4月15日
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Forney, Matthias N. Catechism of the locomotive. Railroad Gazette, 1889, xvi, 609p. 資料ID:1050246527
注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治24(1891)年5月26日
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Baker, M. N., ed. The manual of American water-works, 1889-90. 2nd annual issue ed., Engineering News, 1890, lv, 765p. 資料ID:1011898036
注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治25(1892)年5月6日
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Merriman, Mansfield. Stresses in simple trusses. 3rd ed., J. Wiley, 1894, vii, 124p., (A text-book on roofs and bridges, 1). 資料ID:1050285418
注記 / Note: 受入年月日:明治26(1893)年10月30日
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工1号館図書室A / Engineering Bldg. 1 Library A
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工3号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 3 Library
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工4号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 4 Library
Sort: ownershipstamp-1-04-1001
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Original OwnerLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rightshttps://curation.library.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/s/db/page/license
IIIF manifesthttps://curation.library.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/iiif/96063/manifest
Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
This database publishes images of the ownership stamps and ex libris affixed to materials operated by Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo.