About Searching

About Searching

  • Perform a search by entering keywords in the search window on the top page.
    A search is performed taking into consideration all the metadata elements.
  • If a search is performed without entering any keyword, all the items (one by one) will be displayed.
  • “Advanced Search” enables search by specifying the “Title,” “Creator,” “Publisher,” or “Collection.” Select "Collection" from the pull-down menu.

When entering keywords

About display of search results

  • By default, the search results are displayed in chronological order registered on the portal. The display order may be changed to order according to “Relevance” (order of relevance to the search criteria), “Title (ascending/descending order),” or “Year (ascending/descending order).” In the case of Year (ascending order), items without a Year are displayed at the top.
  • Twenty items are displayed at a time. The setting can be changed to 50, 100, or 200.
  • Click the Title to shift to the item details.
  • By pressing the “List” or “Thumbnail” button, the display method of the search results may be switched between “List Format” and “Thumbnail Format” (grid format).

About the Facet items (Narrowed-down search)

  • Search results can be narrowed down by the following elements: "Collection"; "Type"; "Media"; "Rights"; "Metadata Rights"; "Year"; "Faculty/Graduate school"; "Data Provider"; and "Original Owner."
  • Place a check mark in the box at the head of each element to narrow down the search results. (Remove the check mark to cancel it.)
  • "Year" refers to the year of publication, the year of transcription, and other data that are mechanically converted to Christian years to the extent possible. (Items that do not have a publication year, etc. are not assigned this element.)

Exporting metadata

  • The metadata of search results may be exported in "CSV," "JSON," or "BIX (refer/BibIX)" format.
  • Select a format and click the “Export” button to perform export.
  • Only the items displayed on the screen are exported (not all the search results). If you wish to export all the items at once, switch the number of items displayed to the maximum.

Description of metadata elements

Element name Description
Title (item title) This element shows the title of items (each item). If one item has several titles, the first title is shown.
Alternative title If one item has several titles, all titles other than those of "Title" are displayed under "Alternative title.”
Language This element shows in which language the text is written.
Type One of the following types has been assigned to each collection: "Book"; "Journal"; "Newspaper"; "JapaneseClassicalBook"; "ChineseClassicalBook"; "Map"; "MuseumMaterial"; "Document"; or "StillImage" (Conforms to the type vocabulary (primary classification) of the National Diet Library Dublin Core Metadata Description (DC-NDL).)
A collection comprising more than one type of item is registered as a “Book.”
Issued This element shows the year of publication or transcription.
Year (facet items) This element is the result of conversion of the data of "Issued" into Christian years to the extent possible. (Items that do not have a publication year, etc. are not assigned this element.)
Description This element contains various types of bibliographic information such as the form information and notes. (Of the metadata provided, data other than the "Title," "Alternative title," and "Issued" are registered as Description.)
Faculty/Graduate school This element shows the Faculty/Graduate school/Research institutes of the university to which the “Data Provider" and the "Original Owner" belong.
Data Provider This element shows the database providers and data creators.
Original Owner This element shows the owner of the original materials.
Collection This element shows the name of the collection that contains the item.
Rights This element shows the conditions for secondary use of images. The Creative Commons License or the URL of the website that specifies the terms of secondary use is shown.
*The conditions for secondary use of images differ for each collection. If you wish to use an image, please be sure to check these conditions.
Metadata Rights This element shows the conditions for secondary use of the metadata. The Creative Commons License or the URL of the website that specifies the terms of secondary use is shown.
*The conditions for secondary use of the metadata differ for each collection. If you wish to use the metadata, please be sure to check these conditions.
IIIF manifest URI If the content source is publishing images in compliance with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), the manifest URI will be shown.

If you have further questions not explained in the Help page, please send them from the “Contact” page.