

記述レベル: アイテム

資料ID: 378

枚数: 1

来歴-所有者: 東京大学大学院情報学環図書室/附属社会情報研究資料センター

来歴-現物資料の来歴: 外務省情報部が収集・所蔵していた資料で、旧新聞研究所の何初彦教授によって収集・受け入れられた資料。

概要-名称: なぜあなたは牡蠣を食べるべきなのか

概要-作成: -

概要-物的状態-長さ: 404

概要-物的状態-幅: 316

デジタルデータ関連-デジタル化の有無: デジタル化済

形態・形式情報-表現形式・スタイル: 13絵画・版画・ポスター・図案・地図・書画

内容記述: Please post conspicuously.Department of CommerceU.S. Bureau of FisheriesWashingtonWhy you should eat oysters.The oyster production of the United States is the greatest in the world.It can be made much greater because vast areas of unproductive bottom can be made productive by oyster culture.The purity of oysters placed on the market is now more assured by United States and State Inspection and the cooperation of the large producers.Don’t be afraid of green gilled oysters. The gray-green color, which is of vegetable origin and derived from their food, forms a deep fringe within the open edge of the oyster. Such oysters are often best and in France are prized above all others.Therefor eat oysters.It is a duty to utilize this vast food resource as far as possible and save other foods of which there is a dearth.It is also a pleasure to use the oyster which in other countries than our s is luxury rather than a common food.It is not one of the cheap foods when measured by the cost of its useful constituents, but it is valuable as an appetizing variant of the diet. A reasonable variety of food is necessary to the health of a civilized people.They oyster is without waste, digestible, wholesome, and delicious, and it may be prepared in many ways. If you wish to know how, write for a cook book, to U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Division F, Washington, D.C.(なぜあなたは牡蠣を食べるべきなのか)

寄与者: 印刷所:-

内容分類: 節約/増産(食糧・物資)

制作国: アメリカ

クライアント: Department of Commerce U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Division F, Washington, D.C.

版式: 凸版

版式詳細: 活版

版式備考: -

色数: 1色

色名: 藍


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