Commerce defended : an answer to the arguments by which Mr. Spence, Mr. Cobbett, and others, have attempted to prove that commerce is not a source of national wealth
Issued (formated)
出版事項/Publication, Discribution, etc.Area: Printed for C. and R. Baldwin
コレクション名2/Collection2: メンガー文庫
所蔵/Location: 経図・収蔵庫;Eco.Lib.Vault
請求記号/Call No.: メンガー:26
資料ID/Contents ID: 5509244355
資料区分/Document Categoly: 古典籍;Precious Books
公開方法/Media Type: オンライン;Online
データ形式/Format: pdf
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Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics
Original OwnerThe Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderResources and Historical Collections Office, The Library of Economics, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rights
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office]
The designation of a “Rare Book” is assigned to: collections previously owned by famous economists and their manuscripts, precious books without any other existing copies, and classical documents (generally defined as foreign language books published before 1800, and Japanese language books published before 1900) concerning social sciences. Our current Rare Book collection has approximately 3,400 items (as of April, 2024).

The law of population : a treatise, in six books : in disproof of the superfecundity of human beings, and developing the real principle of their increase
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Cobbett's paper against gold : containing the history and mystery of the Bank of England, the funds, the debt, the sinking fund, the bank stoppage, the lowering and the raising of the value of paper-money, and shewing, that taxation, pauperism, poverty, misery and crimes have all increased, and ever must increase, with a funding system
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

The law of population : a treatise, in six books : in disproof of the superfecundity of human beings, and developing the real principle of their increase
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Cottage economy: containing information relative to the brewing of beer, making of bread, keeping of cows, pigs, bees, ewes, goats, poultry, and rabbits, and relative to other matters deemed useful in the conducting of the affairs of a labourer's family : to which are added, instructions relative to the selecting, the cutting and the bleaching of the plants of English grass and grain, for the purpose of making hats and bonnets; and also instructions for erecting and using ice-houses after the Virginian manner / by William Cobbett
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

Observations on the means of exciting a spirit of national industry : chiefly intended to promote the agriculture, commerce, manufactures, and fisheries, of Scotland : in a series of letters to a friend written in the year one thousand seven hundred and seventy-five / by James Anderson
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

A year's residence, in the United States of America : treating of the face of the country, the climate, the soil, the products, the mode of cultivating the land, the prices of land, of labour, of food, of raiment, of the expenses of house-keeping, and of the usual manner of living, of the manners and customs of the people, and of the institutions of the country, civil, political and religious / by William Cobbett
Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office] | Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics