"Defence" LowerDK. Riveting in Wake of Openings to Machinery Shapes.
ID: 50201401
文書種類: 軍艦断面図
カード目録: 〔英国軍艦防禦構造関係〕
カテゴリ: 収集文献:海外軍艦記事
所蔵: 東京大学柏図書館
登録年: 2007
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): text
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): black and white
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): paper
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): font
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): history
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): monochrome
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): angle
エンティティ(Google Cloud Vision): document
軍艦: Warship
Faculty / Graduate SchoolKashiwa Library
Original OwnerKashiwa Library, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderKashiwa Library, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rightshttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
IIIF manifesthttps://iiif.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/repo/iiif/110990/manifest
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive
This digital archive provides approximately 40,000 documents, mainly technical materials related to naval ship planning and construction, left by naval shipbuilder Yuzuru Hiraga (1878-1943), who served as Commander-in-Chief of Naval Shipbuilding and the 13th President of Tokyo Imperial University (1938-1943).
"Defence" Riveting in wake of tenble bottom length
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library
H.M.S.Defence Riveting for Main DK.plating 11-3-05
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library
"Defence" Arrangement of Lowerdk.
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library
(II)"Shannon" Protection to cylinders
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library
"Defence" Arrangement of maindk plating Machinery □□□ 改正後 26-may-05
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library
"Minotour" Expansion Joints Between Uptakes of Deck coaming full size 26/7/06
Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive | Kashiwa Library