別表記タイトル / Other Title: 工科大学採鉱冶金学教室参考図書印
種別 / Type: 蔵書印 / Ownership stamp
言語 / Language: 日本語 / Japanese
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:山口吉郎. 安部城鑛山報告書. 1916.
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Yamaguchi Kichiro. Design on Mining At Nishimata Mine. 1916.
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:須藤睦濟, 山田吉睦編. 懐寶劍尺. 勝村治右衛門, 文政13 [1830]. 資料ID:1011814470
注記 / Note: 典拠資料:Högbon, A. G. The gellivare iron mountain. P. A. Norstedt & Söner, 1910, (Guides des Excursions en Suède, 4). 資料ID:1011842372
注記 / Note: 色:朱
注記 / Note: 陰陽:陽
注記 / Note: 形状:正方形
注記 / Note: 印影外郭:単郭
注記 / Note: 印文文字数:16
注記 / Note: 印文改行表記:工科大學/採鑛冶金/學教室参/考圖書印
注記 / Note: Color:Vermilion
注記 / Note: Pos./Neg.:Pos.
注記 / Note: Form:Square
注記 / Note: Outer frame:Single frame
注記 / Note: Text length:16
注記 / Note: Text with line breaks:工科大學/採鑛冶金/學教室参/考圖書印
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工3号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 3 Library
所蔵図書室 / Holding Library: 工4号館図書室 / Engineering Bldg. 4 Library
Sort: ownershipstamp-1-17-0001
Faculty / Graduate SchoolGraduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Original OwnerLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Data ProviderLibraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
Metadata Rightshttps://curation.library.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/s/db/page/license
IIIF manifesthttps://curation.library.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/iiif/97994/manifest
Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo
This database publishes images of the ownership stamps and ex libris affixed to materials operated by Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo.