記述レベル: アイテム
資料ID: 277
枚数: 1
来歴-所有者: 東京大学大学院情報学環図書室/附属社会情報研究資料センター
来歴-現物資料の来歴: 外務省情報部が収集・所蔵していた資料で、旧新聞研究所の何初彦教授によって収集・受け入れられた資料。
概要-名称: もっと魚を食べよう!
概要-作成: -
概要-物的状態-長さ: 540
概要-物的状態-幅: 315
デジタルデータ関連-デジタル化の有無: デジタル化済
形態・形式情報-表現形式・スタイル: 13絵画・版画・ポスター・図案・地図・書画
内容記述: Please Post ConspicuouslyDepartment of CommerceU.S. Bureau of FisheriesWashingtonEat more fish!Fish is meat and has a high food value.Analysis shows that fish meat contains as much body-building food as beefsteak.Experiments show that fish is as readily digested as are other meats.You could replace all other meats with fish every day in the year without ill effects.There are more possibilities of increase in the meat supply by the fisheries than by any other one industry. The demand in the past has not equaled the supply.Eat fresh fish if you are near the source of fresh fish, but don’t expect to buy at a low price fresh fish that have to be shipped by express for long distances on ice. Consume your locally-caught fishes and don’t all use the same kinds. The cheapest is often as good as or better than the dear.Eat salt fish wherever you are. Write the Bureau of Fisheries for recipes for preparing salt fish for the table. If you eat meat for breakfast make it salt herring, salt mackerel, or other salt fish. Salt fish are good eating if you prepare them properly for the table. Do that.Eat smoked fish. There is nothing better than fish prepared by this old-fashioned method. Smoked herring, smoked eels, smoked bowfin, smoked shark, smoked carp. The three last mentioned are just being introduced to the market. Make them go! Write for recipes for preparing smoked fish for the table.Don’t let Friday be the only fish day. Eat more fish more days a week. Don’t stand back on disagreeable names or ungainly appearances.Prejudice is an expensive luxury. A shark would not taste any better if called by another name; it tastes good as it is. Carp is good eating and nutritious. You will not find any fish on the market that is not fit to eat if it is in good condition. The best test of a fresh fish is not its name but its freshness.Look out for new fish! They are coming! Bowfin, grayfish, burbot, goosefish, shark, skate, sablefish, grouper.Preserve fish in the home. Small-pressure canners are already in use by thousands of people. Put up a supply of fish when you can get them cheap. Can the roes, too; they are especially nutritious.Eat fish ・cultivate the taste ・get the habit!For advice, information, recipes, etc., writeU.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Division F, Washington, D.C.(もっと魚を食べましょう!魚にも魚肉があり、食品価値は高いのです。新鮮な魚を食べましょう塩漬けの魚をどこででも食べましょう燻製の魚を食べましょう偏見は高価な贅沢品です。新しい魚に注目しましょう。魚を食べ、味覚を洗練させ、よい習慣を身につけましょう!助言、情報、レシピなどはこちらにお送りください。アメリカ水産省[ U.S. Bureau of Fisheries] ワシントンD. C.)
寄与者: 印刷所:Government Printing Office Washington, D. C.
内容分類: 節約/増産(食糧・物資)
制作国: アメリカ
クライアント: Department of Commerce U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Division F, Washington, D.C.
版式: 凸版
版式詳細: 活版
版式備考: -
色数: 2色
色名: 赤、藍
Digital Cultural Heritage
東京大学大学院情報学環附属社会情報研究資料センター/ 情報学環・学際情報学府図書室が所蔵する資料の一部を公開しております。