

記述レベル: アイテム

資料ID: 115

枚数: 1

来歴-所有者: 東京大学大学院情報学環図書室/附属社会情報研究資料センター

来歴-現物資料の来歴: 外務省情報部が収集・所蔵していた資料で、旧新聞研究所の何初彦教授によって収集・受け入れられた資料。

概要-名称: なぜ肉と小麦パンを食べ控える必要があるのか?

概要-作成: -

概要-物的状態-長さ: 740

概要-物的状態-幅: 529

デジタルデータ関連-デジタル化の有無: デジタル化済

形態・形式情報-表現形式・スタイル: 13絵画・版画・ポスター・図案・地図・書画

内容記述: Why is it necessary to eat less meat and less wheat bread?The United States Food Administration asks you to get behind our soldiers, sailors and Allies by sending them now the most food possible in the least shipping space. Every man, woman and child in America can help by eating less wheat, beef, pork, fats and sugar, more of other plentiful foods which can not be shipped, and by avoiding waste.What the Food Situation IsThe men of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Italy and Belgium are fighting; they are not on the farms. The food production of these countries, our Allies, has therefore been greatly reduced. Even before the war it was much less than the amount consumed. The difference was supplied by the United States, Canada, and other countries, including Russia, Roumania, South America, India, and Australia.This difference is now greater than ever, and, at the same time, food can not longer be obtained from most of the outside countries.Therefore our Allies depend on North America for food as they have never depend before, and they ask us for it with a right which they have never had before. For today they are our companions in a great war against a common enemy. For the present it is they who are doing the fighting, the suffering, the dying- in our war.One million of the finest young men in the United States will soon be fighting side by side with the millions of brave soldiers of France, Great Britain, Belgium, Italy and Russia.Millions of men, women, and children of the United States can not go abroad and fight the enemy face to face. But they can fight by helping the fighters fight.Why it is necessary to eat less wheat bread.France, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium must now import sixty per cent of their bread <???> instead of the forty per cent they import <?????> war.America must supply the grater part of this need. To send them the least that they can live on we must increase our export of wheat from 88,000,000 bushels to 220,000,000 bushels.We can not send them corn because they have not enough mills to grind it. We can not send them corn meal because it spoils in shipping. The oats, rye, barley, etc. that we send will not support them unless mixed with wheat. We must send them more wheat, and to do this we must eat less wheat bread.Why is it necessary to eat less meat.Because of the lack of fodder and the increased need of meat to feed the soldiers and war workers, France, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium have on hand today 33,000,000 less head of stock than they had before the war. Their herds are decreasing in spite of the fact that we are now sending them three times as much meat as we did before the war. We must send them more meat this year than ever before.Why it is necessary to eat less fats.The chief source of fats fro eating is in dairy products. We are able to produce no more of these now than before the war. Yet last year we sent our Allies three times as much butter and ten times as much condensed milk as we used to send them. Because their milk cows are still decreasing we must send even more butter and condensed milk this year. Because their Hogs are decreasing we must send them more land.Why it is necessary to eat less sugar.Before the war France, Italy and Belgium raised all their own sugar. Great Britain bought sugar from Germany. Now France, Italy and Belgium can not raise much sugar because their men are fighting and Great Britain can not buy sugar where she used to buy it. All must now get sugar where we get it, and there is not enough to go around unless we save.How you can help.Eat less wheat bread.Have at least one meal a day without wheat bread. Use instead corn, oat, rye, barley, or mixed cereal breads.Eat less cake and pastry.Order wheat bread from your baker at least 24 hours in advance so that he will not bake too much. Cut the loaf of wheat bread on the table. Use all stale wheat bread for toast or cooking. If every person in America consumes four pounds of wheat flour a week instead of five, we can ship the 220,000,000 bushels which our soldiers and our Allies must have.Eat less meat.Eat fish and other sea food, poultry and rabbits, instead of beef, mutton and pork. Fish, chicken, etc. can not be shipped in compact form like meat, and are more perishable.Do not use either beef, mutton, or pork more than once a day, and then serve smaller portions. Use all left-over meat cold or in made dishes. Use more soups. Use beans; they have nearly the same food value as meat.Remember that no grain or other human food was used to feed the fish that gives you nourishment. Save the products of the land.Eat less fats.Use no butter in cooking except left-overs that would otherwise go to waste. Cook with olive or cottonseed oil instead. Save lard by eating fried foods.Try to use up all left-over fats in cooking, but if there is some you can not use save it carefully, make scrubbing soap out of it, or sell it to the soap maker.If every person in America saves one-third of an ounce of animal fat a day we can ship enough for our soldiers, sailors and Allies.Eat less sugar.Cut down on candy and sweet drinks. Eat half as much sweets as before and you are still eating more than the Englishman or Frenchman gets.Use honey, maple sirup and corn sirup on the breakfast table instead of sugar.Serve cake without frosting or icing. Eat plenty of fruit. If every person in America saves an ounce of sugar a day out soldiers, sailors and Allies will be provided for.Burn less coal.The railroads can not carry coal to you and also handle military supplies in the quickest way. Help by burning less coal. Coal supplies power for electric light and steam heat. Turn off both when you don’t need them.If you can get wood, use it instead of coal.Eat plenty, wisely, without waste, and help win the war.(なぜ肉と小麦パンを食べ控える必要なのか?浪費することなく、賢く充分に食べ、戦争勝利に貢献しよう)

寄与者: 印刷所:-

内容分類: 節約/増産(食糧・物資)

制作国: アメリカ

クライアント: U.S. Food Administration

版式: 凸版

版式詳細: 活版

版式備考: -

色数: 2色

色名: 赤、墨


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