These Jap women slave 14, 16, 18 hours a day to make the stuff to kill our men

Alternative title
Think American Institute
Issued (formated)

ポスター番号/No. of Poster:83

主題/Subject:Business, Japan

内容記述・解説/Description:These Jap women slave 14, 16, 18 hours a day to make the stuff to kill our men. Dare we slow up one day, one hour, one minute—needlessly?

内容記述・解説/Description:Thinkamericanシリーズ。日本女性は日に14、16、18時間も奴隷のように働いているといって、アメリカ人を叱咤激励するもの。Black Star Photoのクレジットあり。

備考(ポスターにある記号等)/Note:No. 209-copyright 1943-Kelly- Read Co. Inc., Rochester, N.Y.


  • CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection

    This collection features ninety U.S. propaganda posters produced during the Second World War. Center for Pacific and American Studies (CPAS) acquired these posters, originally housed at Stanford University, in 1983 through a Japanese contact.


"I'm fighting for an America where every man can build his own future, pick his own job, run his own business—free from dictatorship."

Think American Institute
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

Beat the promised date! Let's keep 'em pulling for victory

General Motors Corporation
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

Let's fly this flag. Everybody at least 10 percent in war bonds

CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

This world cannot exist half slave and half free. Buy war bonds

CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

"For God's sake—keep on the job so we can get this war won quick!"

Think American Institute
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

Serve with Women's Reserve—U.S. Coast Guard. SPARs

Bentley, Lester W.
U.S. Coast Guard (沿岸警備隊)
CPAS WWII Propaganda Poster Collection | Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences