
Library System

  • Asian Research Library Digital Collection

    Library System

    Materials related to Asian Studies held at the University of Tokyo have been digitized and made available to the public by the Uehiro Project for the Asian Research Library (U-PARL) .

General Library

  • Ishimoto Mishio Collection

    General Library

    These materials were collected by Ishimoto Mishio (1893-1940), the second director of the Earthquake Research Institute, including Kawaraban (tile block print newspaper in Edo period) , Nishiki-e (woodblock color prints) and newspaper supplements, which were published mainly at the time of disasters.
  • Image Database of Annotated Books in the Mori Ōgai Collection

    General Library

    This database mainly contains materials with Ogai's handwritten transcripts and materials with his handwritten memos among the Ogai Bunko, the former book collection of Mori Ogai.
  • Oranda kapitan narabini saishira no zu

    General Library

    A group portrait painting of the family Jan Cock Blomhoff, who was posted to the Captain of the Netherlandish trading house on Dejima in 1817 (Bunka 14).
  • Gakken Collection

    General Library

    "The Gakken Bunko" is a collection of Japanese and Chinese medical books collected by the medical scientist Dohi Keizo (1866-1931).
  • Watanabe Katei Collection

    General Library

    This collection was formerly owned by Watanabe Katei (1864-1926), a Meiji-era Japanese novelist and newspaper journalist, and contains mainly novels and theater books from the Edo period.
  • Kishu Kumanoura Shogeinozu [Whales at Kishu Kumano Bay]

    General Library

    This material is said to have been created by naturalist Yoshio Tanaka (1838-1916) by pasting together three different Illustrations related to whaling. In addition to whales, it also contains explanatory drawings of sharks, sunfish, and other creatures.
  • Kyuseishuzo [Statue of the Savior]

    General Library

    This is a rare book from the General Library and is an image of Christ said to had been painted in Japan around the Azuchi-Momoyama period.
  • Der Brief von Goethe an Ludwig Wilhelm Cramer vom 29. Dezember 1822 im Besitz der Universitätsbibliothek Tokio

    General Library

    "Der Brief von Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749–1832), eine seltene Büchersammlung in der Generalbibliothek der Universität Tokio.

    This is a letter by Goethe (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832), collected as a rare book in the General Library."
  • Shizen Shin'eido [Way of True Self-Operation] Manuscripts

    General Library

    The most of "Shizen Shin'eido" by Ando Shoeki (1703-1762) that had been in the collection of the University of Tokyo was destroyed in the Great Kanto Earthquake, but the 12 books with 12 volumes were survived and are now openly available.
  • Huang-Ming tiaofa shileizuan Digital Archive

    General Library

    This is a valuable manuscripts (handwritten copys of books) collection of ordinances (laws and precedents based on the emperor's decisions) from the mid-Ming dynasty, categorized and compiled by case, and is the only identified collection of its kind in the world, with no recognised holdings outside this library.
  • Sanjuroku Kasen Emaki [Thirty-Six Immortal Poets Scroll]

    General Library

    This is a scroll with the names of poets selected as the “Sanjuroku Kasen" (the Thirty-Six Immortal Poets) by Fujiwara no Kinto and one Waka (Japanese poetry) respectively chosen from the works of each poet being brush stroked by Ota Nanpo.
  • Imperial University of Tokyo

    General Library

    Photograph album of the Tokyo Imperial University in the Meiji era, two editions, the 1900 (Meiji 33) and 1904 (Meiji 37), housed by the General Library are publicly available.
  • Edo Haikai - General Library

    General Library

    Approximately 30 of the Edo period haiku books held in the General Library are available on this page.
  • General Library's History Collection

    General Library

    Various documents, photographs and other materials related to the history of the General Library are available digitally.
  • Christian Manuscripts - General Library

    General Library

    This page displays the manuscript copies of the Kirishitanban (printed materials in romaji or kanji and kana issued by the Society of Jesus), "ぎやどぺかどる (Guia do Pecador)" and "ドチリナ・キリシタン (Doctrina Christão)", in the collection of the General Library.
  • Materials related to economics - General Library

    General Library

    This page provides access to some materials related to economics collected by the General Library.
  • Genji monogatari

    General Library

    This manuscript of "Genji Monogatari" (The Tale of Genji) is a rare book in the General Library and part of the Seishu-Bunko*.
  • Early Japanese Books - General Library

    General Library

    The classical books collection housed by the General Library, including those classics designated as rare books are now digitalized to be publicly ailable.

  • Early Japanese Books - General Library (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    General Library

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts, which has been promoted by the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL).
    The image data is available from the Kokusho Database (The Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts) operated by the NIJL.

  • Seishu Collection - General Library

    General Library

    The Seishu Bunko is a collection of Japanese and Chinese books collected by a wealthy Watanabe family in Yamanashi Prefecture over three generations, including Watamabe Hisashi, Watanabe Makoto, and Watanabe Sawajiro . "Seishu" came from Makoto's pen name.
  • Sokuchi genzu

    General Library

    The geodetic maps "Sokuchi-Genzu" are a group of maps that describe the results of surveys carried out by Ino Tadataka (1745-1818) in the early 19th century, also known as ‘Ino maps’.
  • Tanaka Yoshio, Natural History Collection

    General Library

    Among the Tanaka Yoshio Collection owed by the General Library, this natural history collection includes a valuable group of materials, such as the "Kunshujo", which was collected by Tanaka Yoshio himself.
  • Image Database of Annals of the Joesen Dynasty, Formerly Held by The University of Tokyo General Library

    General Library

    This database provides images from the 47 volumes of the General Library's former collection "Annals of the Joesen Dynasty" (Mt. Odae books), a fundamental document of the Joseon Dynasty period. (The original books are transferred to and now owed by Seoul National University.)
  • Records of 50-year History of Imperial University of Tokyo

    General Library

    This collection contains official documents, records and reference books relating to the history of the University of Tokyo, which were collected in the compilation of the book, "The Fifty-Year History of Tokyo Imperial University (1932)". These are extremely valuable materials for understanding the early days of the University of Tokyo.
  • Naoe Letter

    General Library

    "Naoe-Jo"(Naoe Letter) is a group of letters said to have been written by Naoe Kanetsugu (1560-1619), an senior retainer in the service of Uesugi Kagesatsu. This "Naoe-Jo" manuscript was published by Nakamura Goroemon as an "Oraimono (text book)" in Kyoto in the year of Jōō 3 (1654).
  • Nanki Collection

    General Library

    ‘Nanki Bunko’ originated from a private library established by Tokugawa Yorimichi (1872-1925), head of the Kishu Tokugawa family, whose collection was donated to the General Library as part of the reconstruction assistance following the Great Kanto Earthquake.
  • Nansem bushu dai nihonkoku shotozu

    General Library

    This is an old-style map of Japan, said to be one of the oldest maps of Japan domestically printed.
  • Hyakkiyakozu [Parade of Hundreds of Demons]

    General Library

    This Emakimono (Illustrated handscroll), hand copied in the mid-Edo period, comically depicts a parade of demons and monsters.
  • Kamei Collection - Opere di Giovanni Battista Piranesi

    General Library

    This is a digitized version of the Kamei Collection's "Piranesi Prints: Opere di Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Francesco Piranesi e d'altri" (29 volumes), a valuable book in the General Library.
  • Matsu no Sakae [Marriage of the Shogun's daughter to the Kaga Family]

    General Library

    This is a Nishikie (Japanese multi-coloured woodblock printing) depicting the wedding of Princess Yohime (also known as Yasuhime), the 21st daughter of the 11th Tokugawa shogun, Ienari, to Maeda Noriyasu, the 13th lord of the Kaga domain.
  • Old and Rare Documents of the Mizuno Family (Documents Formerly Held by Mizuno Tadamoto)

    General Library

    These classical documents were collected by the Mizuno family, who were appointed by the Shogun as the erder retainers of the Kishu Tokugawa family, and were donated to the Nan Ki Bunko by Tadamoto, the 10th head of the Mizuno family, in 1900 (33rd year of Meiji).
  • Imperial Letter of Appointment during Ming Dynasty dated August 20, 1505

    General Library

    「Imperial Letter of Appointment during Ming Dynasty dated August 20, 1505」 that openly displayed on this page is one of the materials among the Ogai Bunko, the former book collection of Mori Ogai. This material is said to be an appointment letter issued on August 20, 1505 (18th year of the Hongzhi era) to bestow official positions and titles on the parents of Wang Qin, the inspector of Nanjing, Guangxi Province.
  • Renga Haikaisho Shusei (Shachiku Collection, Chikurei Collection, Chiju Collection)

    General Library

    Among the Shachiku Collection, Chikurei Collection, Chiju Collection housed in The University of Tokyo General Library, materials listed in the Renga Haikaisho Catalogue are publicly available on this page.
  • Catalogue of the Kawaguchi-Takakusu Collection of Sanskrit manuscripts. Note-book

    General Library

    These are autograph notes by Matsunami Seiren (1903-1979), former professor at Kyushu University, on his research between 1936 and 1944 of ancient Sanskrit manuscripts collected at the University of Tokyo Library .
  • Fragment of an Address to the Jews

    General Library

    These are handwritten manuscripts by Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) collected as rare materials at the General Library .

Kashiwa Library

  • Hakubutsu no Tomo

    Kashiwa Library

    These materials are from a "circulation" style handwritten journal (8 issues in total) published between 1900 (Meiji 33) and 1901 (Meiji 34) by Ichikawa Sanki, Tojo Misao and colleagues, who were students at the Tōkyō Furitsu Daiichi Chūgakkō (Tokyo Prefectural First Middle School).
  • Yuzuru Hiraga Digital Archive

    Kashiwa Library

    This digital archive provides approximately 40,000 documents, mainly technical materials related to naval ship planning and construction, left by naval shipbuilder Yuzuru Hiraga (1878-1943), who served as Commander-in-Chief of Naval Shipbuilding and the 13th President of Tokyo Imperial University (1938-1943).

The University of Tokyo Archives

Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

  • Collection of Faculty of Law Library

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    This is a valuable collection of materials archived at the Guide for Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law Library, The University of Tokyo.
  • Collection of Legal History Section, Faculty of Law Library, The University of Tokyo

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    This is a valuable collection of materials archived at the Guide for Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law Library, The University of Tokyo.
  • Gaikotsu Collection

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko is a depository library established to contain newspapers, magazines, and other historical materials from Meiji through Showa eras. It includes works and collections by Gaikotsu Miyatake (1867~1955), such as newspapers (Kaishin Shinbun and Toyo Jiyu Shinbun, etc,), documents by the Meiji government to centralize the system by transitioning from the one existed in the Edo era, manuscripts(in pamphlets, etc,) by Gaikotsu Miyatake himself.
  • Gogai - Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    This is a collection of newspaper extra editions (including some appendices) in the holdings of "The University of Tokyo, Meiji Shinbun Zassi Bunko". Mainly newspaper extra editions from the Russo-Japanese War period, when newspapers competed with each other to publish their editions, and also some extra issues in the early Meiji period collected by Miyatake Gaikotsu, and some extra issues at the time of the Great Kanto Earthquake are included.
  • Early Japanese Books - Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    Graduate Schools for Law and Politics / Faculty of Law

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts, which has been promoted by the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL).
    The image data is available from the Kokusho Database (The Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts) operated by the NIJL.

Graduate School of Medicine / Faculty of Medicine

Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering

  • Uchida Yoshikazu Archive, Digital Museum, Department of Architecture, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo.

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering

    Architectural materials related to Uchida Yoshikazu (14th President of the Tokyo Imperial University and Chief of the Repair Section), who was instrumental in the reconstruction of the Tokyo Imperial University campus damaged in the Great Kanto Earthquake.
  • Source materials for Engineering History: The University of Tokyo Digital Archive

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Information Science and Technology

    As part of "the project of curating source materials for engineering history", Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology conducts research and collection of materials and objects that are academic assets of the Graduate School of Engineering, the Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology.
  • Mines in Paintings and Illustrated Scrolls Collection Image Database

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering

    "The collection of paintings and picture scrolls illustrating ""Mines"" archived by the Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo is available on this page.
    You can browse illustrations such as ""Saki no Ohtsu Agawa-mura yama-satetsu arai-tori no zu"", which introduces the iron and steel industry, including iron production using ""Tatara furnace""."
  • Dainihon kaishi hensan shiryo

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    These materials were collected by the Ministry of the Navy for the compilation of the "Nihon Kaishi"(Japanese Maritime books), and were transferred to the Komaba Library after the World War II. The collection is particularly rich in books of Suigun (The water forces of the Sengoku period) and shipbuilding-related materials.
  • Ownership stamp and Ex Libris Database : Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo

    Graduate School of Engineering / Faculty of Engineering

    This database publishes images of the ownership stamps and ex libris affixed to materials operated by Libraries for Engineering and Information Science & Technology, The University of Tokyo.

Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

  • Ogura Collection

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This collection consists of Korean books and other materials formerly owned by Ogura Shimpei, who was a professor in the Department of Languages at Tokyo Imperial University from 1933 to 1943.
  • Digital archive of the glass photographic plates of Moyoro shell mound historic site

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This page provides digital access to glass photographic plates from the collection of the Tokoro Research Laboratory, which record the excavation of the Moyoro shell mound, a historical site in Abashiri city.
  • Shibai Banzuke [Playbills] Image Database

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This collection is a holdings of the Department of Literature and Japanese Literature that consists a group of ”Shibai Banzuke” (playbills and theatrical brochures) related to Kabuki from the Edo period to the Taisho period.
  • WWI Propaganda Posters, Masuda Collection

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    Among the materials collected by the Department of Occidental History, the Faculty of Letters, posters issued in France, Britain, Austria, Italy, the USA and the Czech Republic during the First World War for the purpose of raising war spirits and war bonds, etc. are available on this page.
  • SAT Taishōzō Image DB

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This is a "Ebiki" (dictionary of pictures) consisting of the "Zuzo" (images of various Buddhas and mandalas) of the scriptures, "Taishoshinshudaizokyo", and detailed tag information for each Buddhist statue. This archive was built and is managed by the Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Digital Humanities (The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee).
  • Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) Digital Edition

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    Here, over 190,000 pages of images of the Wan Li Ban Da Zang Jing (Jia Xing Zang) among the holdings of the General Library are available under an open licence (CC BY) in accordance with IIIF (International Image Interoperability Framework). This database has been constructed by the Council for Promotion of Study of Daizokyo and The SAT Daizōkyō Text Database Committee.
  • Collection of Archaeological Materials from the Lower Tokoro River Basin

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This page displays archaeological materials held by the the Tokoro Research Laboratory. Earthenware, stone tools, bone and horn implements and other materials excavated from archaeological sites in the lower Tokoro River Basin are available in images.
  • Tokoro-chashi Sites:Excavation Photographs Digital Archives

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    Here photographs of the collection of the Tokoro Research Laboratory, documenting the excavation of the Tokoro-chashi Sites (Historic Tokoro Archaeological site), a historical site in Kitami City, are available.
  • Burmese Script Editions of the Pāli Tipiṭaka and Its Commentaries owned by the Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies

    Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology / Faculty of Letters

    This digital archive openly provides "Burmese Script Editions of the Pāli Tipiṭaka" and its commentaries published in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, holdings of the Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies in the Faculty of Letters.

School of Science

  • Tashiro Yasusada Documents

    School of Science

    Here features report documents submitted by botanist Tashiro Yasusada (1857-1928) to the Department of Anthropology after investigating Okinawa (particularly the Yaeyama region) as a contractor of the Faculty of Science, Tokyo Imperial University.
  • Early Japanese Books - Science Library (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    School of Science

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts, which has been promoted by the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL).
    The image data is available from the Kokusho Database (The Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts) operated by the NIJL.

Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences / Faculty of Agriculture

Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

  • Data Base of Annual Reports, Financial Reports and Prospectus

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    This is a database of Annual Reports, Financial Reports and Prospectuses held by The Library of Economics, University of Tokyo. Annual Reports (including Articles of incorporation, Prospectuses, etc.) can be searched in print books and microfilm holdings.
  • Digital Archive of Rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    The designation of a “Rare Book” is assigned to: collections previously owned by famous economists and their manuscripts, precious books without any other existing copies, and classical documents (generally defined as foreign language books published before 1800, and Japanese language books published before 1900) concerning social sciences. Our current Rare Book collection has approximately 3,400 items (as of April, 2024).
  • Documents Previously Classified Under General Library Classifications [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    445 documents which were originally organized under the general library classification and stored in the closed stacks or the repository of the main library. They were moved to the previous Documents Room and were reorganized.

    This collection includes:
    ・ Documents concerning the Factory Bill (Kojo-ho-an Kankei Bunsho)
    ・ Kaga Domain Firefighters Records (Kaga-han Hikeshikata Techo)
    ・ Public and legal records (Goyo-do-me Cho)
    ・ Correspondences between those involved in Taigyakujiken(the High Treason Incident), such as Kotoku Shusui, Kanno Suga, and other people , transcribed in a notebook by Katayama Sen
    ・ Daily monitoring reports on the Korean workers in the Yubari Coal Mine in Hokkaido at the end of the war
    ・ Amended land title deeds from Meiji 6th (1884) for the following villages in Shida-gun in Rikuzen-no-kuni: Ohata-mura, Ogaki-mura, Inaba-mura, Nakazato-mura and Furukawa-mura (currently Furukawa City, Miyagi )"
  • Other Historical Manuscripts Under the Former Classification [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    This collection includes the following:
    ・ Records on silk (gofuku-cho), cotton/linen materials (futomono-cho) and general ledger (shime-age-cho) for a shop (name unknown) from 1831-1853
    ・ Account books from the Nawaya Store from the end of the Edo period
    ・ Deeds (oki-shomon-dome) on the Tokugawa Shogunate properties in the Oshu Domain that were submitted to the treasury department of the Tokugawa Government (Edo Bakufu Kanjosho)
    ・ A petition by the wholesalers association handling salt shipped to Edo from the Setouchi area (Kudarishio-Nakagai-Nakama) (1792-93)
    ・ 79 documents regarding female workers of the Meiji period silk reeling company Katakuragumi.
  • Documents Regarding the Fishing Industry [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    This collection provides 65 items covering from 1747-1895, including;
    ・ Fishing ground disputes across the country
    ・ Sweetfish (ayu) tax records (ayu unjo-cho)
    ・ Fisheries petitions
  • Database of Historical Coins and Historical Bills Collection

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    This archive page provides followings.

    Historical Coins collection: 12,473 historic coins from ancient times to the present, mainly from Japan, China, Korea, and Vietnam. The main collection is "Fujii Eisaburo’s collection" (12,209 items).

    Historical Bills Collection: Approximately 25,000 currency bills, mainly from Japan and China. The main collection is "Hansatsu" (the Edo-period bills used in regional feudal domains), a collection previously owned by Yasuda Zenjiro the second.
  • Documents from Komagata-mura

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    ・ 351 Documents from the town hall of Komagata-mura, Yama-gun in Fukushima (currently Kitakata City, Fukushima) which was formed when Kubo-mura, Kanahashi-mura, Nakayazawa-mura, Gogo-mura and Tokoyo-mura merged in 1875.
    ・ This library covers documents from 1876-1950.
  • Digital Archive of Semi-rare Books [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Collections and Classical Documents which are as precious in quality as Rare Books are designated as “Semi-rare books”; there are approximately 5,700 items (as of April, 2024)
  • Records of Showa Denko K.K. local factories (Local Business and Industrial DB)

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    The database includes approximately 2,500 items the internal records of Showa Denko K.K. local factories : company regulations, records of labor management, accounting data, plans etc.
  • Documents of Shirokiya

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Historical manuscripts (369 items) which were handed down in the Shirokiya Omura Family of Shirokiya, a (kimono/sundries) store which had its flagship shop in Kyoto in early modern period, and 4 shops in Edo – Nihonbashi shop at Nihonbashi Tori Icchoume, Ichigaya, Tomizawacho and Bakurocho.
    The collection consists of documents regarding the management of stores in Edo and documents related to trade partners such as the Tokumi-Doiya.
  • Tsuchiya Collection (Documents)

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    You can find 4,027 items of historical materials donated by the family of Professor Emeritus Takao Tsuchiya (1896-1988).
    It consists of the following three types of materials:
    (1) Early modern documents purchased by Professor Tsuchiya mainly in the 1930s from antiquarian bookstore such as the Ganshodo Bookstore in Kanda, Tokyo.
    (2) Manuscripts from the Aizawa Family, samurais of the Sendai Domain and the parental home of his foster mother.
    (3) Modern historical materials which Professor Tsuchiya helped in the compilation such as;
    ・ Materials related to "Nihon Ginko 100nen-shi"
    ・ Materials related to "Chiho Kin'yu-shi"
    ・ Materials on "Nidai Kosuge Tanji Denki"
    ・ Materials on Akashi Teruo, president of the Dai-ichi Bank
  • The Bank of Tokyo Collection

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Books previously owned by the Research Department of the Bank of Tokyo, includes many books from the Research Department of its predecessor, Yokohama Specie Bank
  • Special Materials [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Materials that are not designated as rare or semi-rare in the Economics Library, but are considered to be particularly important as academic resources or cultural assets
  • Documents Regarding Textile Merchants in Nishijin

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    This collection offers 89 items covering 1742-1898, mainly private bonds addressed to Wakuya Tobei from the early modern period and documents related to Yamada Ichijuro, a textile merchant who lived in Bandoyacho, Gojoagaru, Muromachi-dori, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto City, from the Meiji period.
  • Materials of Japan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    The database includes approximately 1,200 materials collected by the editor to compile 『日本製鐵株式會社史 : 1934-1950』 (Nippon seitetsu kabushikigaisha-shi).
  • Records of Yamaichi Securities (first donation)

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    A group of managerial materials (5,704 cases) of Yamaichi Securities which went bankrupt in November, 1997.
    These materials consists of the first donation accepted in 1998, and the second donation accepted in 2004.
    The first donation mainly consisted of materials collected and organized to compile Yamaichi’s corporate history while the second were mainly internal documents current at the time of the bankruptcy.
  • Digital Archives as Alternative Sources for Deteriorated Materials

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    Among the general books owned by the Library of Economics, some materials have heavily deteriorated and difficult to make the originals available, have been digitally photographed in accordance with Article 31, Paragraph 2 of the Copyright Act.
  • Documents Regarding Labor Unions’ Regular Conventions

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    "Materials handed out at assemblies and central executive committee meetings of some labor unions in Japan, such as the National Center, council/united fronts and industry labor organizations (3,700 items as of April 2011).
    Some materials are from corporate labor unions and local labor unions.
    Materials continue to be acquired for this collection."
  • 5-Z Classified Historical Manuscripts [Resources and Historical Collections Office]

    Graduate School of Economics, Faculty of Economics

    "Among materials classified and stored as Classification 5 (economic history, economic situations, (Japan)) at The Library of Economics, these are documents and printed/handwritten copies (418 items) from the early modern/modern period were reclassified as Classification 5-Z (Historical Manuscripts).
    The collection mainly consists of materials purchased from antique bookstores between the end of the Taisho era to early Showa era, and is believed to be collected by Faculty of Economics Professor Emeritus Tsuchiya Takao.
    Contents are diverse, but there are some that are in substantial groups, such as the Tokorono-mura in Tsugagun, Shimotsuke-no-kuni (currently Nikko City, Tochigi) Documents.

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

  • Kano Kokichi collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is an inheritated group of materials collection of Kano Kokichi (1865-1942), who served as the principal of the former First Higher School (Ichiko) and the first president of the College of Letters at Kyoto Imperial University, includes mainly school affairs documents, personal letters, and diaries. (This collection is only partially publicly available.)
  • Kitani Collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    Historical materials on Jōruri, diaries, letters, calligraphy and paintings from the late Edo period to the Meiji period former collection of drama and Jōruri researcher Kitani Hogin (1877-1950).
  • Digital Kuroki Kanzo Collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is a digitized "Kuroki Book Collection" consists of cultural materials related to Japanese theater and music from the early to late Edo period and the early Meiji period collected by Professor Kanzo Kuroki (1882-1930) of the former Tokyo High School, known as an expert on early modern theater and music.
  • Komaba Library Rare Materials Digital Collection

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    Valuable materials from the collection of Komaba Library have been digitized and are available.
  • Early Japanese Books - Komaba Library (NIJL Database of Pre-Modern Japanese Works)

    Graduate School of Arts and Sciences / College of Arts and Sciences

    This is a group of materials digitised through the Project to Build an International Collaborative Research Network for Pre-modern Japanese Texts, which has been promoted by the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL).
    The image data is available from the Kokusho Database (The Union Catalogue Database of Japanese Texts) operated by the NIJL.